Quality Control
MS International is dedicated to supplying high quality metal castings
We supply high-quality products and services that adhere to International Quality Standards by utilizing advanced testing and inspection facilities.
Whether you are looking for physical stability, chemical durability, or a combination of both, we test extensively to ensure parts conform to original material specs, dimensions, and standards. Up front preventive action is utilized to eliminate quality problems before they occur.
- Production supervision & quality tracking
- Production schedule supervision
- Process inspection and quality supervision
Visual inspection is carried out to make sure there are no defects on the surface of investment castings.
Dimensional Inspection ensures custom product dimensions are exact.
Chemical Analysis by spectrometer ensures materials conform to the standard compositions of the specified steel grade.
Physical properties such as tensile strength, hardness, impact strength, elongation, are tested in-house with advanced measurement equipment and state-of-the-art inspection facilities.